I have to be honest...I'm NOT a Starwars girl. I don't even think that I've watched anything to do with Starwars...definately not enough to know who any of the characters are. So when I was going to do a cake for a friend's 5 year old, and found out that he LOVES Starwars, I took on the challenge of delving into the world of Yoda and his gang.
I decided to tackle this cake in one night, I started at about 8 and ended at 3 in the morning, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Take a look...
5 recept på klassisk husmanskost
5 days ago
Du överträffat dig själv hela tiden!!
AWESOME Heids!! xx
Heidi, have you tried marshmallow fondant? It tastes a tiny bit better than plastic fondant, still not as great as buttercream or ganache! But maybe give it a go if you're wanting to try different types. I made it a couple of weeks ago but it was my first foray into the world of fondants so needless to say the result wasnt exactly an oil painting! hehehe x
wow! om ferdinand får se denna så kommer du att få en beställning till 15. mai ; ) du är absolut fantastisk!!!!
This is the most amazing cake I´ve ever seen. And I AM a Starwars-girl!
@Kristin...tack ;-)
@Zoe...Thanks friend! Marshmallow fondant is great, it's pretty easy to make so I hardly ever use bought fondant...which isn't so easy to get a hold of here in Sweden. Thanks for the tip! Lots of hugs;-)
@Elin...Tack min vän! Det skulle vara roligt att ses snart ;-)
@Matilda...Thank you very much! It's good to hear what the Starwars pro's think ;-) Have a great day!
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