Today I made some DELICIOUS strawberry cheesecake cupcakes. They were SOOO good! I will share the recipe with you all in a few days, but to start with I will share my FAVOURITE frosting/icing recipe that I used to decorate the cupcakes with. I often use it when I make cakes as this one. It is so tasty and the flavours are well balanced. Why don't you give it a try?
(För att se receptet på svenska titta lite längre ner på sidan)
White chocolate icing:
Enough to ice about 12 cupcakes
250 g white chocolate
340 g natural cream cheese
85 g butter
1 1/2 tbsp creme fraiche
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 dl icing sugar
food colouring (if needed)
1. Melt the chocolate carefully.
2. Mix the rest of the ingrediants in a blender very quickly. Add the chocolate and mix until combined.
3. Pour the icing into a bowl and put in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
4. Take out and mix with an electric beater until desired consistency.
Vitchoklad glasyr:
250g vitchoklad
340g mjukost
85g smör, rumstemperatur
1 1/2 msk creme fraiche
1 tsk vaniljsocker
1/2 dl florsocker
1. Smälta chokladen försiktigt
2. Lägg alla ingredienser (förutom chokladen) i en skål och mixar med en stavmixer. Blanda ner chokladen och mixar väl.
3. Låt vila i kylskåpet i minst 1 timme.
4. Mixar med elvisp till önskad konsistens.
5 recept på klassisk husmanskost
5 days ago
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